H. Bradshaw Squires II, HBS II, Independent Enrolled Agent Small Business

An Enrolled Agent, professionally referred to as EA, is a federally authorized Tax Practitioner who has technical expertise in the field of taxation and who is empowered
by the U.S. Department of Treasury to represent taxpayers before all administrative levels of the Internal Revenue Service for audits, collections and appeals. We know tax.

I chose to pursue the qualification and credential of EA, because I have desire to work helping Businesses and Professionals improve and maintain financial
success by following sound business practice, including Income Tax planning, management, and compliance.

As a former, and current, small business owner/manager, with
experience in and accounting for various and different entities and occupations, I bring the experience and understanding of how to make business work for you, why and
how it works, and what potentially won’t or even hasn’t.

I’ve been at it for over thirty years, I have experienced much… and I’ve been paying a lot of attention.

757-603-2240 | taxman@hbs2accounting.com